About Olympian Landscaping

Olympian Landscaping was established in 1995 by Michael Edyvane after completing a paving/construction apprenticeship in and around Melbourne. Now based in the outer eastern suburbs his devotion to the landscape construction industry is focused on the local community to enable the most competitive and efficient service to his customers.

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Contact Michael – 0408 571 830

As both owner and operator of Olympian Landscaping, Michael takes a hands-on approach to his business by dealing directly with his clients, remaining on-site from concept through to completion of the project & working collaborative with each client.

During Michael’s first consultation at your property, he will:

  • Assess the scope of the landscaping required
  • Advise on design if requested or review your designers plans
  • Discuss your budget expectations
  • Provide you with a prompt quotation

Once your landscaping project has begun, Michael will dedicate himself to completing the job efficiently and to your utmost satisfaction.

Olympian Landscaping & paving
Big and small paving jobs

Your property will be treated with respect and care, and disruption to your home will be minimised as much as possible. At the end of each day, the site will be left in a neat, orderly and safe manner. Olympian Landscaping holds all relevant insurances, covering Michael for all work completed on your property.